
InEK starts NUB-proposal process for 2024

Take the chance with the NUB-proposal process to receive Reimbursement for your innovative therapy within the next eight weeks.

In Germany, the NUB procedure was introduced according to sec. 6 para. 2 KHEntgG for “New examination and treatment methods” (NUB), allowing hospitals the opportunity to separately bill innovative procedures that are not compensated within the framework of the aG-DRG system, with health insurance companies.

For the year 2024, the InEK (German institute for reimbursement in hospitals) initiated the NUB-proposal process on September 1st, 2023. Hospitals now have until October 31st, 2023, to submit NUB applications through the InEK's data portal.

The primary objective of the NUB-proposal process is to provide hospitals with the opportunity to negotiate an individual reimbursement with health insurance companies for novel diagnostic and treatment methods that have not been covered by the DRG system. This agreement remains valid for one year.

The medical industry is encouraged to work closely with hospitals to establish relevant agreements.

Healthcare Heads has extensive experience in supporting the medical industry and its clients within the framework of the NUB-proposal process.

Please find more information on the NUB-proposal process in our Whitepaper or the e-learning course: "Market Access for Medical Devices – The NUB process".

Please do not hesitate to contact us, we are more than happy to support you.

Author: Healthcare Heads GmbH

Telefon: +49 431 800 1470
