
Updated Evidence Dossier on obstructive sleep apnea and its treatment with hypoglossal nerve stimulation

Today, an updated version of the dossier (in German) is available in our download area.

The hypoglossal nerve stimulation offers a treatment alternative for patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Healthcare Heads composed the recent clinical evidence in a dossier.

Aim of this dossier is the support of all participants who are involved in the treatment of sleep apnea in the respective choice of therapy.

The dossier has been generated following scientific criteria based on a systematic literature research and shall support the importance of treatment with the hypoglossal nerve stimulation in the German healthcare.

The extensive dossier has been compiled in cooperation with Nyxoah and GERD Consulting and was just updated.

Please find the updated dossier in our download area.

Additional information on necessary evidence for the German healthcare market can be found here.



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