
The NUB-second opinion procedure

Make sure to get a second opinion on your NUB-proposal after rejection and assure your reimbursement strategy.


With the "NUB-procedure", an application procedure has been implemented at the German institute for hospital reimbursement (Institut für das Entgeltsystem im Krankenhaus GmbH - InEK) to give hospitals the possibility to negotiate reimbursement with the payers individually. If the application was successful, the hospitals receive the NUB-status 1 for the corresponding method and are therefore allowed to negotiate with the payers.

All methods are evaluated equally. If a method does not meet the requirements of paragraph 6 section 2 of the German Hospital Reimbursement Actr KHEntgG, then the applying hospitals will receive NUB-status 2 for the method. For methods with NUB-status 2, the question arises, on the one hand, why status 2 was assigned instead of status 1 and, on the other hand, what steps should be taken next.

- "Why has the application probably been rejected?"

- "Does it make sense to submit the application another time - e. g. in a modified form?"

- "Are there other sensible measures that support the achievement of regulated specific reimbursement?"

To answer these questions, HCH offers a second opinion on your NUB-application.

In doing so, your NUB-application will be reviewed by two former employees of InEK to determine whether the NUB-criteria according to paragraph 6 section 02 KHEntgG are met in general and which measures are necessary and purposeful to achieve sufficient reimbursement for your innovative medical device.

If you have any questions, please contact us and arrange a free initial consultation.


Phone: +49 431 800 147 0