For your innovative medical product to be successful on the German healthcare market, it is necessary that the associated therapy is adequately reimbursed by the health insurance funds.
The NUB application procedure for "New Examination and Treatment Methods" is one way to achieve this goal.
The NUB-procedure takes place once a year at the InEK, the German DRG-Institute. It offers a way to receive additional reimbursement for innovative therapies besides the DRG-reimbursement. The procedure determines the NUB-payment for the following year (2023).
Now, the time has come again to prepare for the NUB-procedure for 2023 to achieve appropriate reimbursement for your product.
Healthcare Heads has extensive experience in the preparation and submission of NUB-applications and will be happy to support and guide you reliably through this process.
Contact us, take your chances, arrange a free introductory appointment or read more about our attractive services here.
Phone: +49 431 800 147 0