90%, the overwhelming majority of the German population is covered by statutory health insurances (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung -GKV). To successfully navigate the German health care market, you need to understand the structure and workings of the GKV system for the outpatient as well as the inpatient sector.
On November 12, 2024, the BVMed Academy is offering an intensive seminar that will give you an understanding on the necessary steps for at a successful market access and reimbursement. Learn the rules, the technical terms and discover how you can identify your product’s market potential.
The Healthcare Heads experts will explain the German DRG system and support you in mastering the challenges of the GKV market.
For more information on registration: https://www.bvmed.de/verband/veranstaltungen/2024-11-12-ba-gkv-kompakt
You can already find information on that subject on our website: Healthcareheads
Author: Healthcare Heads GmbH
Phone: +49 431 800 1470
E-Mail: info@healthcareheads.com