On February 21, 2024, the Hospital Transparency Act will be discussed in the Federal Council Conciliation Committee. For Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach, this law is the prerequisite for further negotiations with the federal states on the Hospital Care Improvement Act (KHVVG). Minister Lauterbach has now announced his intention to structure the entire reform project in such a way that it no longer requires approval by the federal states. Whether this maneuver will advance the much-needed reform is doubtful, since the plan to curtail their participation is not perceived as a compromise proposal by the federal states.
In the meantime, medical profession’s and hospitals’ calls to finally make progress are becoming increasingly urgent, to avert a possible wave of hospital insolvencies.
We at Healthcare Heads are also following the development of the reform plan very closely. The political tactics must end, as it is now at the expense of patient care instead of improving it, what the reform originally aimed to do.
Author: Healthcare Heads GmbH
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