
Innovations in DiGA

The Federal Ministry of Health has published the digitization strategy for healthcare and nursing.

In the digitization strategy for healthcare and nursing published by the Federal Ministry of Health Germany in March 2023, notable updates on the topic of DiGA are addressed.

HcH considers the following points to be relevant and you should pay attention to them for your DiGA:

  • Adoption of hybrid care processes where digital health and care applications (DiGA/DiPA) are part of guideline-based care and linked to analog interventions.
  • DiGA will be expanded to include benefit-generating medical devices in risk class 2b.
  • DiGA should be able to map more comprehensive telemedical care concepts involving physicians in the future.
  • ePA (electronic patient record) will become the central platform for insured persons.
  • Data from treatment situations or the use of DiGA/DiPA are to be automatically transferred to ePA. They can be used for research purposes.

Do you have questions about DiGA and need support services from us? Then please contact us for a non-binding initial consultation or read more about DiGA here.

Telefon: +49 431 800 1470
