On November 16th, the German DRG Institute (InEK) published information for performance plannings/budget negotiations (“Hinweise zur Leistungsplanung/Budgetverhandlung”) for 2021.
The document can be downloaded on the InEK website.
The further development of the G-DRG-system implicates adaptations and changes which may lead to a difficult traceability of case shifts between the different DRGs in different DRG-versions.
To facilitate the understanding of these case shifts, InEK publishes the information for performance plannings/budget negotiations in combination with the transitional versions of the G-DRG-systems on a regular annual basis.
The published information on the G-DRG-version 2021 are sufficient to analyze the Reimbursement situation face. The Healthcare Heads team is more than happy to support you.
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