
The InEK publishes the annual reports and the report browser for the development of the aG-DRG- and PEPP-systems 2021

It is now possible to create, revise and update for example economic analyses for single case groups and therapies based on the publications by the InEK for the remuneration system 2021.

The German Institute for Hospital Remuneration (Institut für das Entgeltsystem im Krankenhaus – InEK) released the final report and the report browser for the development of the aGDRG- and the PEPP-systems. These publications happen usually shortly before Christmas and mark the end of the annual enhancement of the remuneration systems. Thereby, all information needed for an analysis of the renumeration systems are available – except for the in our understanding not yet passed official base rate for 2021. The simulation of economic analyses with current browser data is particularly interesting for the aG-DRG-system, for example analyses of contribution margins of affected case groups.

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