The German DRG Institute (Institut für das Entgeltsystem im Krankenhaus GmbH – InEK) extended he proposal process für new examination ad treatment methods (NUB). This is only valid for therapies according to § 4 Abs. 9 AMG (advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMP)).
NUB proposals for the corresponding therapies can be submitted to until until April 30th 2022 (if not already done util 31st of October 2021), the NUB decisions for these proposals should be published until June 30th 2022 by InEK.
NUB proposals for ATMP, which were already submitted in time until October 31st 2021, do not have to be re-submitted to InEK.
The extension of the proposal process is based on the implementation of the reformed para 6 sec. 2 KHEntgG (hospital finance law).
Please find here more information to the changes by InEK.
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