
HcH top tips around the topic of NUB

Now is the time to start the NUB-process for 2024!

The NUB process is a proposal process organized by InEK. It examines whether German hospitals can negotiate an additional payment on top of the DRG tariff for new examination and treatment methods with the payers. The proposal process is executed annually for the following year, from the beginning of September to the end of October. In the context of this process, InEK proves whether the requested method is “new” and whether it is “not sufficiently reimbursed” via the aG-DRG-system.

Our recommendation:

The InEK evaluates the NUB proposals essentially without further data. A proposal with poor content can jeopardize the evaluation of an entire treatment method. Do not give the preparation of a NUB proposal out of hand, we will show you how.

Discover more tips on NUB in our online e-learning course: "Market Access for Medical Devices - The NUB process".

Contact us today and benefit from our long-term expertise and commitment to your success or read more about NUB here.

Telefon: +49 431 800 1470
