On June 26th, 2019, the workshop “creating value in the medical technology” took place in Frankfurt on the Main, organized by the VDE “Verband für Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik” (registered association for electrical engineering, electronics and IT).
As one of the invited experts, Sven Sauermann reported on the “challenges and strategies in the implementation of innovative medical devices” for Healthcare Heads.
Next to the recent amendments as the nursing law (PpSG) and the adaptions to the sec. 137e to h SGB V, the presentation focused on the MDR (Medical Device Regulation) and expected regulations as the implant register (EIRD), the law for digital care (DVG), the reform act for the MDK and the law for the “choice of a fair insurance” (GKV-FKG).
The hospital funding and medical device industry will be pressured by the radical changes in the approval on European level and in the German DRG-system and its resulting in-patient Reimbursement. This will cause higher costs, delays in Market Access and the necessity for adaptations of the Market Access strategies, especially for innovative medical devices.
Sven is convinced that the manifold changes can also bring several opportunities for Market Access projects for the industry, a cooperative teamwork with hospitals and therefore a differentiation of competitors. Sven is also of the opinion that even the associations (e.g. VDE and BVMed) will gain more importance in the positioning of the industry in contrast to the legislation and the self-governing bodies.
If you are interested in the presentation and the topic, do not hesitate to contact us. We are pleased to answer your questions and provide you the presentation, if desired. Contact us via e-mail at info@healthcareheads.com.