
German federal parliament enacts “Hospital Future Act”

The Hospital Future Act shall improve medical and technical care in hospitals with 3 billion Euro.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Last Friday, 09/18/2020, the Federal Parliament of Germany enacted the Hospital Future Act (KHZG – Krankenhauszukunftsgesetz).

Due to this act, emergency capacities, digitalization and IT-security are supposed to be strengthened financially, as well as the connection of the sectors, for example with telemedicine and robotics. The government provides 3 billion Euro, the federal states 1.3 billion Euro in total.

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn considers the law as one of the major investments into a digital future.

The law will expectedly come into effect in October. “it is necessary for the hospitals to submit the applications now because the financial support is limited in time” we of Healthcare Heads believe.


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