
Fictitious Federal Base Rate for 2024 is 4,200.00 €

With the fictitious Federal Base Rate (BBFW), it is now possible to calculate the reimbursement for therapies and treatment cases for 2024 in Germany.

Every in-patient treatment in German hospitals is reimbursed by the health insurance funds using the aG-DRG-system. To calculate reimbursement, the cost weight assigned to a DRG is multiplied by the base rate. Each federal state has its own state base rate, which all add up to the average federal base rate. This is typically used to calculate reimbursement in reimbursement analyses or coding brochures.

The German Medical Technology Association (BVMed) collectively with other experts has been estimating this value for several years to ensure that a base rate for determining reimbursement is available at an early stage. The positive experience with this estimated value, has led the BVMed to again estimate the rate this year.

The estimated Federal Base Rate is referred to as the “fictitious” BBFW and is €4,200.00 for the year of 2024.

This means that now coding brochures can be created for 2024.

Healthcare Heads has extensive experience and the necessary expertise in the creation of coding brochures.

More information can be found here.

Author: Healthcare Heads GmbH

Phone: +49 431 800 1470
