Once again, federal health minister Jens Spahn provided a new law at record speed.
The law (COVID-19-Krankenhausentlastungsgesetz) aims at avoiding Reimbursement losses and hospital deficits and to ensure the liquidity of hospitals in the short term.
Amongst others, the law contains the following measures:
- Planable surgeries, admissions, surgical procedures or other operations should be postponed. Hospitals receive a lump sum of €560 for each free hospital bed.
- The provisional care allowance (“Pflegeentgeltwert”, to ensure cash-flow of hospitals) will be increased around 38 Euros to 185 Euros per day.
- On top of that, a nationwide bonus of 50,000 Euros will be paid for additional ICUs with artificial respiration possibilities.
- For additional costs, in particular, for personal protective equipment, hospitals will receive a supplement of 50 Euros per patient (for all patients) between 03/01 and 09/30/2020 (which can be extended and increased if necessary).
- In future, payers will have to pay invoices within 5 days to increase the liquidity of hospitals (valid until 12/31/2020).
For a detailed analysis of the law and the impact on your company and for your customers and its measures during the Corona crisis, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Phone: +49 431 800 147 0