
Federal base rate 2022 – recommendation

Also for 2022, the federal base rate will be defined after the federal states base rates. The BVMed recommends an assumed BBFW of 3,830 € for the transition phase.

Since 2021, the federal base rate (“Bundesbasisfallwert”: BBFW) is not defined prospectively anymore. According to para 10 KHEntgG, the BBFW has to be calculated by the German DRG institute (InEK) as the average of the 16 individual federal state base rates (which are not yet completely available). Therefore, the BBFW has to be published on 31st of March at the latest.

To bypass this period, to allow a standard representation of tariffs (e.g. in Reimbursement information) and to prevent insecurities in the hospitals, Healthcare Heads recommends in accordance with a paper published by BVMed to use an “assumed” BBFW of 3,830€ for 2022. According to BVMed, this amount is an approach to the expected BBFW and should only be used until the concrete BBFW is published by InEK.

The assumed BBFW is only a recommended guidance, it can be used to provide and update coding information and brochures already now. Independently, the hospital individual tariffs are calculated with the corresponding federal state base rates.

We support BVMed’s recommendation and are at your disposal for preparing and updating Reimbursement guidelines and brochures.

Please do not hesitate to contact us:


Phone: +49 431 800 147 0