
All about Reimbursement in the German healthcare system

Today Healthcare Heads prepares a complete online training on Reimbursement and Market Access for the German healthcare market in cooperation with the Forum Institut.

The first English e-Learning from the collaboration between Healthcare Heads and the Forum Institut has not long been online and the next video material is already being recorded. Healthcare Heads and the Forum Institut are recording the "second block" on Reimbursement and Market Access in the German healthcare system today.

This time we dedicate ourselves in 7 modules to the topics: Basic reimbursement knowledge, Out-patient Reimbursement, In-patient (DRG-system) Reimbursement, Hybrid-DRGs, The Hospital Reform, DiGA and digitalization as well as the possibilities of Health Market Data Business Analytics.

The team has invested more than 100 working hours in the approx. 190 slides and has brought all topics to a comprehensive and up-to-date status. Sven Sauermann, CEO of Healthcare Heads will present the slides on video and explain the topics.

You will also find this e-Learning on the FORUM Institut website once published. Of course, we will let you know as soon as it is available.

You can access the first block of the e-Learning, which focuses on the topic " NUB-procedure", here. You can get the e-Learning at a reduced price via this link.

If you would like to be informed when the second e-Learning is online, please subscribe to our newsletter here.

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